1.Level of body organisation:-

PROTOPLASMIC LEVEL:--In protozoans,acelluar body performs all biological activities.

CELLULAR LEVEL:- in sponges cell are arranged as a loose cell aggregate and division of labour occur among cells (tissue absent).

 Tissue level :-In coelenterata and ctenophora cell performing the same function are arranged into tissue.

Organ level :- in Platyhelminthes tissues are group together to form organs.

orga system level :- In higher animals organ further organised to form organ system example aschelminthes Annelida Arthropoda mollusca echinodermata and chordata

2.symmetry:-  it is mainly three types asymmetry ,radial symmetry ,bilateral symmetry .
asymmetry :-
when any plane that passes through the centre does not divide the body of animal into two equal halves example most of the sponges are asymmetrical.

 radial symmetry:-  when any plane passing through the central axis of the body divided the animal into two identical halves examples Coelenterata, ctenophora, Echinodermata.

 bilateral symmetry :- when the body can be divided into identical half left and right in only one plane example Platyhelminthes to chordata .

3.germinal layers:-
Diploblastic animals in which the cells are arranged into two embryonic layer ectoderm and endoderm within intervening undifferentiated Mizoglea example coelentarata and ctenophora.
 triploblastic those animal in which the developing embryo  has a third germinal layer Mesoderm between the ectoderm and endoderm  example Platyhelminthes to chordata .

4.Body cavity or coelom  presence or absence of the cavity between the body wall and the gut wall is very important in classification .
Acoelomate in which body cavity is absent example Platyhelminthes.
Pseudocoelomates:- in same animals body cavity is not lined by Mesoderm inside the Mesoderm  is present as a scattered pouches in between the ectoderm And endoderm such as body cavities is called Pseudocoelomates, example aschelminthes .

 Coelomates :- aniimal possessing coelom that is the body cavity which is lined by Mesoderm on all sides on the basis of embryonic development. The coeloma is of two types
SCHIZOCOEL:---COELOM  formeD by splitting of a mesodrmal  mass example Annelida Arthropoda mollusca.

 ENTEROCOEL:-  animal COELOM IS FORMED BY FUSION OF  gut pouches during embryonic stage example echinodermata hemichordata and  chordata .

5.Body plan :- cell aggregate types Sponges
 blind sac type animals in which digestive system is incomplete it has only single opening to the outside of the body that serves as both mouth and anus examples coelenterata to Platyhelminthes .
 Tube within tube type found in those animal having a complete digestive tract that is with separated mouth and anus opening.
 example nematahelminthes to chordates.

pseudometameric:-  tapeworm 
metameric :-Annelida Arthropoda and chordata .
in these animal the body is external and internal divided into two segments with a serial repetition of at least some organs that is called metameric segmentation
and the phenomena is known as metamerism .

7.Notochord it is the mesodermally derived rod like structure formed on the dorsal side during the embryonic development in some animals.
 Non chordates:-  animal without notochord the example of Porifera to hemichordata .
  Chordates:- animal with notochord Chordata.

8.Circulatory system:-
 open type in which the blood is pumped out of the heart and the cells and the tissues are directly bath in it example Arthropoda mollusca echinodermata hemichordata and some lower chordates like tunicata .
closed type in which the blood is circulated through a series of wearing diameters that is arteries veins and blood capillaries example Annelida cephalopod molluscs vertebrata

9.embryonic development
 the basis of fate of blastopore animal can be divided into two categories :-

protostomia animals in which mouth is formed first blastopore mouth example Platyhelminthes to mollusca .

deuterostomia animals in which anus is formed earlier than mouth blastopore anus example echinoderms hemichordata and chordata.


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