Different kind of cells.
- its requirement of nutrients and oxygen .
- The regulating ability of its nucleus.
- nucleocytoplasmic Ratio
- surface area of cell.
- size of cell has no relation with the size of Organisms body.
- In unicelled organisms generally the surface volume ratio is low..
- Smallest cell of human body =Sperm cells and Kidney cells.
- Largest cell=Human egg.
- Longest cell=Nerve cell.
- smallest cell=Nerve cell(0.1-0.5)micrometer,other name is PPLO(Pluero pneumonia like organisms)or MLO.They are cell wall less .They are Prokaryotes and belong to kingdom monera.
- Smallest bacteria =Dialister Pneumosintes.
- smallest cell with cell wall = Bacteria.
- Largest cell in animal kingdom=Ostrich.
- Largest unicelled plant = Acetabularia( 9-14cm)found by Hammerling .It is a green alagae.
- The longest cells in the human body are the motar neuron,they can be upto 4.5feet long run from the lower spinal cord to the big toe.
- Largest animal cell egg of the ostrich.
- Size of humsn egg = largest not longest.
- Longest plant cell =Fibre of Ramie(55cm) Boehmiria nivea (Urticaceae).
- Longest animal cell=Nerve cell (90cm).
- Largest prokaryotic cell =Spirillum Volutans(15micrometer).
- Size of human RBC 7.5micrometer.